National Theatre Bucharest - "Ion Caramitru" Hall

30 July 2024 at 8:00 PM

Under various titles, the play “The Blacksmiths” by Milos Nikolic has featured in the repertoire of various theatres across the country and abroad. The director of the show, Horațiu Mălăele, appears to be "in love" with this play in which, of course, he also plays the main role. 

The original text by playwright Milos Nikolic, born in Kosovo in 1939, tells the story of a German blacksmith who, after a long time, discovers that his son is the child of a Romanian. Horațiu Mălăele adapts the subject so that the blacksmith Grigorie is a Romanian who discovers that his son is the child of the Hungarian Peter, who then finds out that his own son has as a father the Russian Ivan, and Ivan finds out that his son belongs to... Grigorie! This genetic confusion is a consequence of the war, as all the men, blacksmiths by trade, were also soldiers on the front lines. The underlying theme of the play generously suggests the ramifications of war and the false trumpet of nationalism, which has become a "doctrine" for some current European parties. The comedy is deftly written by Milos Nikolic and brings the audience humor through the misfortunes of the three men of different nationalities, who find out that their sons are genetically of a different nationality. 

However, changing the nationalities of some of the characters in the adaptation is a weakness. The wives are represented in the text only by Matilda, the wife of the Romanian Grigorie, who argues that the women did not betray their husbands; they only wanted the blacksmiths' guild to have descendants. The playwright conceives Matilda's argument on the historical basis that, after farmers and shepherds, blacksmiths practice one of the oldest professions, even attested in the Bible. These remain the core professions of simple people. However, in today's world, Matilda's desire for perpetuating the guild fails because, according to their fathers, the sons are no longer blacksmiths and have chosen other professions. Horațiu Mălăele's adaptation uses the translation by Veronica Lăzăreanu, which is rich in trivial accents.

         Set designer Maria Miu, who has illustrated this play in another theatre, constructs a detailed blacksmith shop on stage with specific tools of the trade, complemented by objects from the homes of simple people, with her recognized talent. The set is charming and thoughtfully functional to diversify the stage movement. Director Horațiu Mălăele humorously develops the story of the three men, a master in the field of comedy. The show lasts an hour and ten minutes, with five minutes consumed at the beginning by Grigorie's searches in the dark with a lantern in the blacksmith shop for "something," although these absurd searches do not have a consolidated purpose in the following action.

 The four actors remarkably portray their characters. Maia Morgenstern excels in the role of Matilda, Grigorie's wife. The actress convincingly develops Matilda's inner struggle to clarify to her husband that she did not cheat on him during the four years he was on the front in Russia, enhanced by the emotional reunion with Peter. Once again, Maia Morgenstern demonstrates that she is an exceptionally complex actress and can credibly handle both comedic and dramatic genres. 

Horațiu Mălăele subtly constructs the character of Grigorie, a simple man trying to unravel the tangled situation caused by Peter's arrival in his family. The actor treats the situation dramatically and, evidently, with comedic results. With a slight Hungarian accent in his speech, George Mihăiță portrays Peter experiencing the intense emotion of reuniting with Matilda, as well as the complicated situation of the revelations. The final intervention by Ivan is admirably executed by Valentin Teodosiu, through his presence and the relationships with those he encounters. The four actors meritoriously convey the story of the adept blacksmiths, simple people left with scars from the war, just like many other simple folk living today in a world confused in its manifestations.

         "The Blacksmiths" provides a comedic occasion for the audience, who should then reflect when proudly claiming their heritage from... Dacians and Romans. The show remains merely a successful exercise in amusement...

For additional details regarding the above event, please contact the organizing company:  PREMIUM STAGE SRL,  CIF 48184587, BUCHAREST

Acces general - 185,00 lei
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Bd. Nicolae Balcescu nr. 2, sector 1
Teatrul National Bucuresti - Sala Ion Caramitru, Bucuresti
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