„Comedy Philharmonic” is a show of humorous miniatures written by Radu Gabriel and starring Radu Gabriel, Marius Florea Vizante, and Gheorghe Ifrim, three well-known comedy actors from TV appearances (the group Vouă, series “Las Fierbinți”, ”Pariu cu viața”, “Ultimul stinge lumina”) who are joined by Leonid Doni and Gabriel Vatavu.
The author of the show, Radu Gabriel, told us a few words about this project:„Over time, I have written more than 400 sketches, skits, and satirical miniatures for TV. Some have remained in the viewers' memory, others stayed on YouTube… Most were forgotten… But whatever their fate, being TV products, they never went through the trial by fire of a direct encounter with the audience. I made this cocktail-show to give those who watched them a chance to see them on stage again, and to give those who were too young or too busy to watch TV a chance to encounter these short comedies about and for Romanians”.
The neighbors' feud in a block, the cardboard millionaire buying a philharmonic, the provincial trying to make it in Bucharest, workers with metaphysical issues… A satire of a colorful world, with quirks, candor, and the profound thinking of the eternal resident in the Carpatho-Danubian-Pontic space
With Radu Gabriel, Marius Florea Vizante, Gheorghe Ifrim, Leonid Doni, and Gabriel Vatavu. Text and Direction by Radu Gabriel
For further details regarding the event above, please contact the organizing company: Next Generation Theatre SRL, CIF 48750627, Bucharest