The story of a magical land, a large and rich kingdom, an ideal world where those who know how to capitalize on their work and save their reserves will prosper accordingly, compared to the spendthrifts who enjoy wealth for a short period but will remain without any reserves for the future. A story built for children's financial education. Using specific fairytale elements, characters taken from well-known stories highlighted through the antagonism of good-evil, Maruntila and Bancnotila is a show aimed at children.
Cast: Vlad Bînzoiu, Ioana Răchită, Cosmin Crețu, Alexandru Nicolae, Sabina Mitrea
Script, direction, musical composition and lyrics: Virginia Vasilache
Based on a story by Roxana Bucur
Show duration: 1 hour
Recommended for children 4+
For additional details regarding the above event, please contact the organizing company: KARMA KREATION S.R.L. (VASILACHE THEATER), CIF 3976260, BUCHAREST