„Acapulco, my love!" is a delightful comedy that explores themes such as interpersonal relationships and absurd situations. The action takes place in the middle of Paris, in a modest apartment. The three characters of the play view and think about life in completely different ways. And how else could it be when we are dealing with a millionaire in a desperate situation (Lacombe), his driver (Marcel), a loyal employee, a convinced but not too serious teetotaler, and under the thumb of his wife (Simone), a housekeeper with revolutionary ideas whose idol is none other than Che Guevara.
Their interactions bring to life a captivating and unpredictable story.
Surely, „Acapulco, my love!" has all the necessary ingredients for a spectacular comedy.
We invite you to the theater!
For further details regarding the above event, please contact the organizing company:Scandura Scenei SRL,CIF 49089460, BUCHAREST