The third children's musical in the "Musical Box" series, titled "Milk-Papa and the Golden Egg," will be performed for the last time this year on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 10:00, at the Great Hall of the National Children's Palace in Bucharest. Produced by the Musical Theatre Ambassadors, based on a concept by Liliana Ștefan, psychologist and author, "Milk-Papa and the Golden Egg" is dedicated to the whole family, being a show about courage and self-confidence. Throughout the story, it is shown how labeling can negatively impact a child's self-esteem and how we can help them develop a strong character. With joy and enthusiasm, the show takes the little ones through the story where they meet beloved characters from previous shows, as well as a new character, Milk-Papa. “Milk-Papa represents a shy, introverted child who needs more time to complete tasks. For this reason, he is labeled as a <> by both family and friends. He struggles and grows with this label, coming to believe that only something miraculous can make him become braver, stronger, and respected by those around him. He believes his salvation is a magical "Golden Egg" that would instantly give him all the qualities he dreams about. In our story, he discovers that these qualities don't come from possessing a golden egg; they are already latent within him, waiting to be discovered and nurtured.” - Liliana Ștefan, the script and song lyrics author. Through music, dances, and the dialogues between characters, children learn how to overcome certain fears related to public speaking and the importance of family and loved ones' support in this process. Tickets can be purchased from Ticketstore: Direction: Laura Maria Vlădoiu Script & musical texts: Liliana Ștefan Music & musical arrangements: Patrick Bittman, Alex Bittman Musical producer: Alex Bittman Choreography: Cezara Blioju Cast: Bogdan Iacob, Ayona Iordănescu, Bogdan Șerban, Mihnea Niculescu, Anastasia Jinga/Jennifer Dumitrașcu, Natalia Dragomir, Alexandru Mălăeru, Monica Andreea Cuhartz, Silvia Ionașcu, Doru Farmazon, Carmen Mărgărit, Ana Vișan Iacob. Musical Theatre Ambassadors is the only public institution for shows and concerts for children and adolescents under the Ministry of Culture. Facebook: Instagram: