Jack, between love and madness - musical
National Theater of Operetta and Musical "Ion Dacian"
June 7, 2025, 6:00 PM
Jack, between love and madness is a musical in two acts, authored by Diego Mecchi, based on the novel "Jack, between madness and love: the conflicts of a serial killer in series" based on the story of the infamous serial killer Jack the Ripper.
The story of the musical brings to the forefront an original history but also a possible version of the famous story that shook Victorian England and continues to dominate British urban mythology. The question of who was Jack the Ripper and what were the motives behind his crimes has troubled European society for over a century.
Based on the numerous variations of Jack's story, the musical attempts to formulate a new possible yet plausible explanation for the events. The author appeals to a series of Freudian justifications, transposing into the language of the musical genre the turmoil of an alienated mind. The conflict is further intensified by a love story and numerous intrigues of a detective nature—all culminating in scenes of madness and true psychotic turmoil.
Written in the manner of a postmodern musical, Jack, between love and madness still retains a series of classical techniques relying on the acting qualities of the performers, appealing to the richness of expressive means specific to musical theater artists and offering the audience a varied range of dramatic impressions.
The story of Jack the Ripper transposed and reimagined in an original manner becomes a plausible pretext for a musical work of the crossover type in which the techniques of rock music are transfigured with the help of bel canto technique into a work that presents Jack's story as a profound personal revelation of the author.
Duration of the performance: 3h (1 intermission)