The Human Voice is an intense and deeply human story, which brings to the forefront universal emotions such as love, loss, and vulnerability. It is an opera written by Francis Poulenc, based on the text by Jean Cocteau, and centers on a single character – a woman having a phone conversation with her former lover.
This is not an ordinary conversation, but one that quickly becomes an intimate confession about the pain of separation, the struggle to accept reality, and the fragility of human relationships. The phone, which should be a means of connection, becomes a symbol of the distance between the two – a distance not only physical but also emotional.
What makes this work so special is the way Poulenc's music brings the character's contradictory emotions to life. Each note reflects love, despair, anger, and ultimately, acceptance. It is an opera that not only makes you listen but also challenges you to feel and find yourself in the story.
The TNOMID audience has the chance to see a rare work that not only adds diversity to the theater's repertoire but also offers a unique experience, different from any other operetta or musical performance. This opera is about the human soul, about all of us, in our most vulnerable moments.
We look forward to welcoming you to The Human Voice for an evening of musical theater that will stay with you long after the curtain has fallen.
Note: reserves the right to cancel unpaid reservations 48 hours before the performance.
Tickets can be purchased online at, or from:
1. Box office of the National Theater of Operetta and Musical "Ion Dacian" – B-dul Octavian Goga No.1
(Tuesday-Friday 12.00-19.00 and one hour before shows on Saturday and Sunday)
2. Box office of Sala Dalles – B-dul Nicolae Balcescu No.18 (Monday-Friday 10-17)
For additional details regarding the above event, please contact the organizing company: National Theater of Operetta and Musical Ion Dacian, CIF 4340099, BUCHAREST