Once, in the Orient, lived a poor young man named Aladdin, together with his mother. Deceived by a renowned sorcerer, he comes to possess a magic lamp whose genie will help him whenever he is in trouble. Wisely using the magical powers of the enchanted lamp, after going through a series of adventures, Aladdin marries Princess Jasmine, the sultan's daughter. We invite you to accompany him throughout his journey, sharing in all the joys and troubles he experiences.
The costumes, which lead us into the fascinating world of the bygone Orient, the special effects (smoke and blacklight) that set the scene for the genie's appearance, and last but not least, the mastery of the characters, do nothing but transport the young audience into a fairytale world of one thousand and one nights.
For additional details about the above event, please contact the organizing company: THEATER GROUP YUPPIE ART S.R.L., CIF 51075563, BUCHAREST