Presentation: In a small French village lived, along with her father, a beautiful and modest young woman named Belle. She chooses to sacrifice herself to save her father and becomes a prisoner of a frightening creature in whose castle she promises to remain until the end of her days. Surprisingly, day by day, Belle manages to look beyond appearances and discover that, in fact, the Beast is a cursed prince who will be freed only by the love of someone who will accept him for who he truly is. In the end, he proves to be a sensitive being, capable of love.
Will Belle be able to truly fall in love with the Beast and break the curse? That remains to be seen. What is certain is that she made some friends at the castle who truly wish for this to happen and who will do everything to make it happen. We are talking about Mrs. Potts, Cogsworth, and Lumiere. And, of course, you, children, because Belle relies greatly on your help.
For additional details regarding the above event, please contact the organizing company: YUPPIE ART THEATRE TROUPE S.R.L., CIF 51075563, BUCHAREST