We invite you to a unique show in the country: The Zarzuela Gala!
Somewhat unfamiliar to the Romanian public, Zarzuela will captivate attention with its vibrant melodies and stories, reflecting both everyday life and culture of the Iberian Peninsula.
The show is supported by soprano Nora Benes (Constanța), tenor Mihai Urzicana (Bucharest), mezzo-soprano Gabriela Dobre (Constanța), accompanied on piano by Mrs. pianist Natalia Gribinic (Constanța), along with violinist Dumitru Porcescu (Constanța). Special guests in the show are: from Spain, ballerina Iguacel Sanchez Casadella and from Greece, dancer Alexandros Karampatsakis.
The artistic program will include both arias from zarzuelas, with piano accompaniment, and recorded instrumental pieces, as a musical background for Spanish dances.
Arias from the most beautiful and representative zarzuelas will be presented, such as „ Los diamantes de la corona” ( F.A. Barbieri ), „ La gran via” ( F.Chueca / J.Valverde snr. ), „El barberillo de Lavapies” ( F.A.Barbieri ), „La cancion del ovido” ( J.Serrano ), „La alegria del battallon” ( J.Serrano ), „La marchenera” ( F.M Torroba ), „ Katiuska” ( P.Sorozabal ), „El chaleco blanco” ( F.Chueca ) and the Cuban zarzuela „Maria la O” ( E.Lecuona ).
Classic Spanish dance moments will be from the zarzuelas „ Dona Francisquita” – Fandango – ( A.Vives ), „ La leyenda del beso” – Intermedio – ( R.Soutullo / J.Vert ), „ La Dolores” – Jota ( T.Breton ), „la Revoltosa” – Intermedio – ( R.Chapi ) .
We look forward to enjoying unique moments together!
For additional details regarding the above event, please contact the organizing company: BENES NOROCELA-MIHAELA PFA, CIF RO 50015881, CONSTANTA